7 Reasons Car Shuts Off When AC Is Turned ON & How to Fix It

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7 Reasons Car Shuts Off When AC Is Turned ON & How to Fix It

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If you are looking for high quality products for your car or motorbike, look no further. We are sure you will find the perfect product for you at Racext. Do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or requests. We are here to help you make your vehicle perfect.When the car AC is turned on, most people notice that their car surges at idle and then shuts down. It can happen for a variety of reasons, but it is preferable to understand why the car shuts down when the AC is turned on.

You are not alone if your vehicle shuts down when you turn on the A/C. Many car owners have encountered this issue and have had to take their vehicle to a mechanic to have it repaired. This is a particularly aggravating experience on a hot day. There are several possible explanations for this. This comprehensive guide will teach you seven bizarre reasons why the car turns off when the air conditioner is turned on.


What is a Car’s Air Conditioning System?

A car’s ac unit is made up of several interconnected components that allow the vehicle to regulate its climate control. It usually consists of an evaporator, condenser, compressor, and expansion valve, as well as other components like accumulators and blower fans. The evaporator cools the air inside the car by extracting heat from it and converting it to liquid form, whereas the condenser dissipates this heat away from the cabin, much like the condensing unit in your home ac.


Car Shuts OFF When AC Is Turned ON


Many car owners have experienced the issue where their engine hesitates, shakes, or even shuts off when they turn on the air conditioner. This is a common problem that occurs while using the AC.

To put it simply, when the AC is turned on, it puts a high amount of pressure on the engine while the power produced by the engine decreases. Let me break it down for you in simpler terms. It’s actually quite fascinating, so stay with me.

You see, the air conditioner is a major energy consumer. When it is turned on, it consumes a significant amount of energy. However, if the engine is unable to produce enough energy to meet this demand, it will start to jerk, hesitate, and eventually stall. This happens because the engine is overloaded. In order to compensate for the lack of power, the engine relies on an idle air control valve mechanism to increase its power and speed.

The idle air control valve is a component introduced by the car manufacturer, and it is located in a manually operated throttle body. Its purpose is to help the engine compensate for the power deficit caused by the AC. Now, you might be wondering what exactly “idle” means in this context. Allow me to provide a definition for you.

Engine Idling

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Throttle-Body-With-Electronic-Idle-Air- Control-Valve

When a car’s engine is running but the vehicle is not in motion, we refer to it as being in Idle Mode. Typically, the car’s idle RPM (revolutions per minute) ranges from 600 to 1000, depending on the specific car and the temperature outside. At this RPM, the engine generates enough power to operate smoothly without stalling.

However, when additional demands are placed on the engine, such as turning on the lights or activating the air conditioning (AC), it requires a significant amount of power, and the engine cannot produce the same level of power at the same RPM. In order to generate more power and maintain smooth operation, the engine must increase its RPM.

Research has shown that using the air conditioner in hybrid electric vehicles can lead to an average decrease in driving range of about 30-40%.

Now, let’s discuss the “Idle Air Control Valve (IAC).” This valve is responsible for adjusting the air-fuel ratio to regulate the engine’s idle RPM. When the AC is turned on, the valve opens to allow more air into the engine, which increases the idle RPM and also produces more power. Conversely, when the AC is turned off, the valve adjusts to decrease the air flow, reducing the idle RPM and power output. However, if carbon buildup occurs on the Idle Air Control Valve, it can fail to maintain the proper idle RPM. As a result, the car may experience surges or the engine may die off when a load is applied.

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Sometimes, when there is a problem with the “Idle Air Control Valve (IAC)” or the “Electronically Controlled Throttle-Body,” it can cause incorrect input data to be sent to the Engine Control Module (ECM). This can result in the ECM making inaccurate calculations, leading to an increase in idle speed and causing the car to stumble.

To address this issue, it is recommended to clean the “Idle Air Control Valve (IAC)” and the “Electronic Control Throttle-Body.” This can be done by using a soft cleaning cloth dipped in a suitable solvent. Gently wipe away any dirt or debris that may have accumulated on these components. Another option is to perform a regular tune-up, which involves inspecting and maintaining various parts of the engine to ensure optimal performance.

In addition to cleaning or tuning up the IAC and throttle body, it is also essential to check for any signs of damage or wear. If these components appear to be damaged or worn out, they may need to be replaced. It’s worth noting that a malfunctioning IAC or throttle body can cause other issues such as poor acceleration, rough idling, or even stalling.

Furthermore, it is crucial to keep up with regular maintenance schedules and address any engine-related problems promptly. Following the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance guidelines and seeking professional assistance when necessary can help prevent and resolve issues related to the electronic throttle body.

Remember, a well-maintained and properly functioning electronic throttle body is vital for the overall performance and efficiency of your vehicle.

7 Crazy Reasons Car Stalls When AC Is ON

Below are the seven reasons why the car dies OFF when you turn your AC ON.

  1. Faulty Idle Air Control Valve
  2. Bad Electronic Controlled Throttle-Body
  3. Seized Compressor
  4. Stuck Compressor Pulley
  5. Worn Belt
  6. Overfilled With AC Refrigerant
  7. An Electrical Problem

1. Faulty Idle Air Control Valve

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One of the most frequent issues that can cause your car engine to shut off when the AC is turned on is related to the Idle Air Control (IAC) valve. This valve is responsible for regulating the engine’s revolutions per minute (RPM) to prevent it from stalling when the car is under load.

Over time, carbon deposits can accumulate on the idle control valve, hindering its performance and potentially causing problems with the AC system. As a consequence, the engine’s RPM may fluctuate erratically, going up and down, until it eventually stalls. To address this issue, it is recommended to clean the Idle Air Control Valve (IAC) using a soft cleaning cloth soaked in a solvent.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the IAC valve can help ensure its proper functioning and prevent engine shutdowns when the AC is in use. It is important to note that if the problem persists even after cleaning the IAC valve, it may be necessary to consult a professional mechanic to diagnose and resolve the issue. Additionally, keeping up with routine maintenance, such as changing air filters and spark plugs, can contribute to the overall health of your car’s engine and improve its performance.

2. Bad Electronic Controlled Throttle Body

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The electronically controlled throttle body is one of the key components in modern vehicles that can cause the engine to shut down when the air conditioning (A/C) is activated. Unlike older cars that had an “Idle Air Control valve,” newer vehicles utilize an Electronic Controlled Throttle Body, also known as Drive by Wire. This system receives signals from the Engine Control Module (ECM) to regulate the throttle opening.

In addition to the throttle body, another potential culprit for engine shutdown is the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Body. If carbon deposits accumulate on the throttle body, they can restrict the airflow passage, leading to a stumbling or uneven running engine. It is essential to regularly inspect and clean the electronic throttle control body to maintain optimal performance.

Regular maintenance and cleaning of the throttle body can help prevent such issues. By removing carbon deposits and ensuring a clear pathway for air to enter the engine, you can enhance the overall functionality and efficiency of your vehicle. It is advisable to consult your vehicle’s manual or seek professional assistance to learn the proper cleaning procedure for your specific make and model.

Moreover, carbon buildup in the throttle body can also affect other aspects of the engine, such as fuel economy and acceleration. By keeping this component clean and free from obstructions, you can potentially improve these aspects of your car’s performance.

In conclusion, both the electronically controlled throttle body and the Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Body can contribute to engine shutdown or stumbling if they are not properly maintained. Regularly checking and cleaning these components will ensure the smooth operation of your vehicle and prevent potential issues caused by carbon buildup.

3. Seized Compressor

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The compressor plays a vital role in a car’s air conditioning system, but it can also be a costly culprit when it comes to engine failure. When the A/C is turned on, the compressor kicks into action, working to compress the cooling gas by increasing its pressure and temperature. However, if the A/C compressor seizes up, it can bring the car to a sudden halt.

The compressor operates by squeezing the refrigerant under high pressure, utilizing a significant amount of power, typically ranging from 5 to 10 horsepower. This considerable energy consumption can cause a drop in the engine’s revolutions per minute (Rev/min), potentially leading to engine failure.

One common issue that can arise with the compressor is a jammed bearing. When the bearing becomes stuck, it requires a considerable amount of effort to rotate against the belt, resulting in surges and ultimately causing the car’s engine to shut down. In such cases, replacing the compressor becomes the only viable solution.

It’s important to note that maintaining and servicing the A/C system regularly can help prevent compressor problems and prolong the life of your car’s engine. Regular inspections, cleaning, and lubrication of the compressor components can go a long way in ensuring its proper functioning and preventing costly breakdowns.

In addition to the compressor, other factors such as low refrigerant levels, damaged belts, or electrical issues can also contribute to A/C-related engine problems. Therefore, it’s crucial to have a professional mechanic diagnose the specific cause of the engine failure to ensure an accurate and effective repair. By addressing these issues promptly, you can avoid sudden breakdowns, extend the life of your vehicle, and enjoy a comfortable driving experience even during hot weather.

4. Stuck Compressor Pulley

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Compressor Pulley

Sometimes, you may come across a situation where the compressor of your car’s air conditioning system is actually in decent shape, but the pulley bearing attached to it becomes stuck. This unfortunate occurrence causes the bearing to create friction against the belt, resulting in a significantly stiffer rotation for the compressor. Consequently, your vehicle’s air conditioner starts consuming excessive amounts of energy from the power generated by the engine.

When you press down on the accelerator pedal, the throttle plate fails to provide an adequate amount of energy, placing an overwhelming strain on the engine. This, in turn, leads to your car experiencing jerking and stalling issues. It’s a frustrating experience, to say the least.

Now, let’s delve a bit deeper into the matter. The pulley bearing is an essential component of the compressor system. It ensures that the belt, which drives the compressor, rotates smoothly. However, due to various factors such as wear and tear, lack of lubrication, or simply age, the bearing can become seized or jammed.

When this occurs, the compressor’s rotation becomes arduous, resulting in increased resistance. As a result, the engine’s power gets diverted towards trying to overcome this resistance, leading to an excessive energy drain. This puts an additional burden on the engine, causing it to struggle and ultimately resulting in the mentioned symptoms of jerking and stalling.

To rectify this issue, it is crucial to address the underlying problem of the stuck pulley bearing. In some cases, it may be possible to restore its functionality by lubricating it or freeing it from any debris that may be causing the obstruction. However, in more severe instances, the bearing might need to be replaced altogether to ensure proper functioning of the compressor and prevent further strain on the engine.

Taking care of this problem promptly is essential not only for the performance of your air conditioning system but also for the overall health and efficiency of your vehicle. By maintaining your car’s components in optimal condition, you can ensure a smoother driving experience and avoid potential breakdowns or further damage to your engine.

So, if you notice any signs of your car jerking or stalling when using the air conditioner, it’s advisable to have a professional mechanic inspect the compressor and its pulley bearing. By doing so, you can identify and resolve the issue, allowing you to enjoy a comfortable and trouble-free ride in the summer heat.

5. A Worn Belt

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Worn Belt

The drive belt plays a crucial role in the operation of the compressor. When you turn on the compressor, it causes the engine RPM to decrease. However, if the drive belt is worn out, it may slip when the compressor is on, leading to an irregular fluctuation in RPM. This fluctuation, characterized by a momentary increase and decrease in revolutions per minute, is commonly referred to as car hesitation or hesitations. In some cases, this issue can be significant enough to prompt you to turn off the car.

Car hesitations caused by a worn drive belt can have various consequences. For instance, it can affect the performance of the compressor, resulting in inefficient cooling or inadequate air conditioning. Moreover, the fluctuating RPM can also impact the overall engine performance, leading to reduced power output and potentially affecting other components dependent on a stable engine speed.

It’s important to address this problem promptly to prevent further complications. If you notice your car hesitating or experiencing RPM fluctuations, it’s advisable to have the drive belt inspected and replaced if necessary. Regular maintenance and periodic checks of the drive belt’s condition can help prevent unexpected breakdowns and ensure smooth operation of both the compressor and the engine.

In addition to the drive belt, there are other potential causes of car hesitations, such as fuel delivery issues, ignition system problems, or even engine misfires. If replacing the drive belt does not resolve the hesitation problem, it’s recommended to consult a qualified mechanic who can perform a comprehensive diagnostic test to identify the underlying cause and provide appropriate solutions.

Remember, maintaining the health of your car’s components, including the drive belt, is crucial for optimal performance and reliability.

6. Overfilled With AC Refrigerant

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Overfilling With A/C Cooling Gas

There’s yet another explanation for why a car may experience issues and stall when the air conditioning (A/C) is turned on. It all comes down to the amount of cooling gas present in the A/C system, which needs to be precisely balanced. If the system is either overfilled or underfilled with cooling gas, it can lead to undesirable consequences.

Let’s focus on an overfilled A/C system. When there’s an excessive amount of cooling gas, it creates a condition of overpressure within the engine. This overpressure places an additional load on the engine, causing it to struggle or stumble. Consequently, when the A/C is activated, the engine may not be able to cope with the added strain, leading to the car’s performance being negatively affected.

To avoid this problem, it’s essential to ensure that the A/C system is properly charged with the right quantity of cooling gas. It’s always recommended to consult a professional technician or mechanic who can accurately assess and adjust the cooling gas levels in the A/C system. This will help maintain optimal performance and prevent potential issues with the car’s engine when using the A/C.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that an underfilled A/C system can also result in suboptimal performance. When there’s an insufficient amount of cooling gas, the A/C may not be able to provide the desired cooling effect, especially during hot weather conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to strike the right balance and maintain the correct quantity of cooling gas in the A/C system to ensure both the car’s engine and the A/C unit operate smoothly.

By paying attention to the proper maintenance and charging of the A/C system, you can enjoy a comfortable and trouble-free driving experience, even when the A/C is turned on.

7. An Electrical Problem

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Corroded Relay

Sometimes, when you turn on the air conditioning in your car, you may experience the frustrating situation of it suddenly turning off. This is often caused by electrical problems that can cause your vehicle to hesitate or stall. One common culprit is sensor issues, which can disrupt the smooth functioning of your car’s systems.

To address this issue, it’s essential to start by checking the fuse box for any loose fuses or a corroded relay. These small yet vital components can sometimes become loose or damaged over time. If you come across a loose fuse or a corroded relay, it’s crucial to promptly replace them with new ones, which you can conveniently find at your local auto parts store.

Additionally, it’s worth mentioning that electrical problems in cars can stem from various sources. For example, a malfunctioning alternator or a weak battery can also lead to unexpected shutdowns when the AC is activated. If you’ve ruled out fuse and relay issues but are still facing the problem, it’s advisable to have a professional mechanic inspect your car’s electrical system thoroughly.

Regular maintenance and taking care of electrical components in your vehicle can go a long way in preventing such issues. It’s a good idea to follow the recommended maintenance schedule provided by your car’s manufacturer and ensure that all electrical connections are secure. By keeping an eye on these factors, you can minimize the chances of encountering a situation where your car turns off when you turn on the AC.

Remember, staying proactive with maintenance and promptly addressing any electrical problems will help keep your car running smoothly, ensuring a comfortable and hassle-free driving experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does the AC compressor affect the engine?

Yes, the AC compressor does affect the engine. The compressor plays a crucial role in the air conditioning system and directly impacts engine performance. Its main function is to circulate cooling gas throughout the system, effectively cooling and pressurizing the gas.

The AC compressor is powered by a belt connected to the engine crankshaft. When the air conditioning is turned on, the compressor places an additional load on the engine. This can result in a slight reduction in fuel economy and an increase in emissions. Furthermore, if the compressor is not functioning properly, it can cause the engine to overheat and also affect the overall performance of the air conditioning system.

Can a bad AC compressor cause a car to stall?

Yes, a faulty or seized AC compressor can cause a car to stall if it is not operating correctly. There are several reasons why this can occur. For instance, if the compressor is not receiving sufficient power or if it lacks proper lubrication, it may fail to function as intended. When the compressor is not working properly, it can place strain on the engine, potentially leading to a vehicle shutdown.

Why am I receiving hot air when I turn on my AC?

If you are experiencing hot air when you turn on your AC, it is a clear indication of a low level of cooling gas in your vehicle’s system. This could be caused by a leakage issue within your cooling system. It is recommended to have a professional inspect your cooling system to identify and resolve the problem.

How often should I recharge my car’s AC system?

It is generally recommended to recharge your car’s AC system every 1-2 years, as the refrigerant can gradually leak over time.

Can I use my car’s AC system if it has a refrigerant leak?

It is not recommended to use the AC system if it has a refrigerant leak. Continued use can cause damage to the compressor and other components.

Why does my car’s AC system produce a foul smell?

A foul smell from the AC system can be caused by mold or bacteria growth in the evaporator coil. Cleaning or replacing the coil can usually resolve this issue.

Can I use aftermarket refrigerants in my car’s AC system?

It is best to use the refrigerant specified by the vehicle manufacturer. Aftermarket refrigerants may not have the same properties and can potentially damage the system.

What should I do if my car’s AC system is blowing air intermittently?

Intermittent airflow can be a sign of a faulty blower motor or a problem with the electrical connections. Having a professional inspect the system is recommended.

Why does my car’s AC system make strange noises?

Unusual noises from the AC system can indicate issues with the compressor, fan motor, or other components. Prompt diagnosis and repair are advised to prevent further damage.

Can I service my car’s AC system myself?

While some basic maintenance tasks can be done by car owners, AC system repairs and refrigerant handling require specialized knowledge and equipment. It is often best to consult a professional.

How long does it take to replace an AC compressor?

The time required to replace an AC compressor can vary depending on the vehicle and the complexity of the repair. It generally takes a few hours or more.

What is the purpose of the AC condenser?


The AC condenser helps dissipate heat from the refrigerant, allowing it to cool down and convert back into a liquid state.

Can extreme temperatures affect my car’s AC system?

Extreme temperatures, both hot and cold, can affect the performance of the AC system. Very high temperatures can put strain on the compressor, while very low temperatures can affect refrigerant flow.



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7 Reasons Car Shuts Off When AC Is Turned ON & How to Fix It


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